
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Charleton's Purpose

Coming Soon...A children's book...Charleton's Purpose      
Click here to support this project on Kickstarter

Charleton's Purpose is a children's book about a snail that's told he's too slow to have a job.

A joy for children of all ages. Charleton's Purpose, at its core, is an imaginitive, delightful story about overcoming challenges. Everyone in the kingdom has a purpose and now Charleton wants one too. Join the determined little snail and the creatures he meets on his grand adventure. A story your child will love to read over and over for years to come.


This story is about overcoming challenges and finding your way. All the creatures in the kingdom tell Charleton he's too slow to have a purpose. At first Charleton doesn't know what to do, but with a little help and determination, he finds out that it's because he's so slow that he's the only one with enough patience to discover his purpose. Join him on his adventure!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Grove

Artwork selected by EBK Gallery will be exhibited during March & April at The Grove in New Haven, CT. An artist' reception will be held April 5th in the evening (exact time TBA)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Flower Dragon Dilemma

Ahhh the dilemma of a Flower Dragon, it eats flowers but is itself a flower. Without caution it very well could end up devouring its own life. Enemy: One who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Your worst enemy is yourself.     

"Flower Dragon"

Monday, January 28, 2013

Bird brain

Lil't performing a typical transformation into an idea of some type of bird. People chant during his performance and it usually sounds like this, "Go little thought! Go little tyrano! Go little time!" read this post to learn more:

"Bird brain"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fighting face

Before the fight it's said to be wise to put on your fighting face. Strike fear, confusion, and laughter into your opponent to gain an advantage. It masks your true intentions and gives you the upper hand in battle.

"Fighting face"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Daylight or the light of day is the combination of all direct and indirect sunlight outdoors during the daytime. This includes direct sunlight, diffuse sky radiation, and (often) both of these reflected from the Earth and terrestrial objects. Sunlight more from source (Wikipedia)


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stare into the Pineapple egg

As their senses drew them closer, they couldn't help but be mesmerized by the Pineapple egg. The Pineapple egg represents our smartphones (technology) and the dragons represent you and me. It's kind of sad when you go out to eat at a restaurant and the couple next to you doesn't say a word to each other while their eyes and fingers "social media" away. How is that socializing? 

"Pineapple egg dragons"

Monday, January 21, 2013

Twinkle, twinkle, little cat...

Twinkle, twinkle, little cat,
     How I wonder where you're at.
     Down below the world so low,
     Like a hidden, cautious doe.

     When the blazing sun is gone,
     When he nothing shines upon,
     Then you show your kitten face,
     Twinkle, twinkle, never chase.

"Twinkle eye cat"

Sunday, January 20, 2013

No goal in mind

Sometimes beginning with no goal in mind can have its rewards. In the three pieces below I let my mind blank, allowing my hands and eyes to construct while I went for the ride. If we restrict ourselves with an idea of what we want our art to look like, it can sometimes hinder the creative process. By opening up to possibilities and letting it flow free, it enables waves of creativity that you normally might have blocked.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cartoon Modernism Sketch

This sketch makes me feel a little bit like Ba ba baaaa dubba ba baaa dubba dubba ya baba baaaa. It's a free thinking sketch featuring themes of struggle, life and a giant rabbit. What I would call cartoon modernism at its finest.  
"Rabbit bound"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When Scanners Hate You

 Apparently today my scanner hates me, sometimes it doesn't mind me so much, but today it hates me. Actually after all the failed scans, compiling them together makes quite an interesting piece. So I left it as is until my image reading friend cools down. Here's a sketch presented in "My scanner hates me" format:

Large print on canvas

My largest artwork to date is a massive original print on canvas titled Grand. 
It's so cool to see things that you imagine in your mind become something tangible and viewable in the real world. Everything you can imagine is possible and can become reality, if given enough time and will to see it through. Another piece of the infinite potential we all have.


Monday, January 14, 2013

SpektrumMEK Exhibit accompanying written material

SpektrumMEK: A pataphysical gestation to the birth of Lil’ t  By: Kevin C Ferreira  2010

It took approximately 9 months to create the artwork for SpektrumMEK. Upon completion 
of the artwork and ideas Lil' t was created. 

What is SpektrumMEK?
A Nonsensical, imaginary solution for the constructs of reality created in order to help 
broaden our perspective and accept the possibility of unusual ideas.

Some of the artwork:
"Birth of Lil' t"

"Spirit of Beeda Bear"

Definition of SpektrumMEK:
SpektrumMEK is a collection of Pata Art (A) dealing with the stark contrast between rules of regulatory
power (mek) and randomly free chaos (spektrum) depicted through the use of color and design.
A. Pata Art is the art of imaginary solutions, questions, and answers that are concerned with explaining
the fundamental nature of being and the world. Derived from the science of pataphysics(B).
B. Pataphysics (French: 'pataphysique) is a pseudophilosophy(C) dedicated to studying what lies beyond
the realm of metaphysics (D). It is a parody of the theory and methods of modern science and is often
expressed in nonsensical language. The term was coined and the concept created by French writer
Alfred Jarry (1873–1907), who defined 'pataphysics as "the science of imaginary solutions, which
symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments". Jarry
sees Hippocrates of Chios and Sophrotatos the Armenian as the fathers of this "science". A practitioner
of 'pataphysics is a 'pataphysician or a 'pataphysicist.
C. Pseudophilosophy is a term applied to philosophical ideas or systems which are claimed not to meet
mainstream academic standards. The term is almost always used pejoratively and is often contentious.
D. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that investigates principles of reality transcending those of any
particular science. Cosmology and ontology are traditional branches of metaphysics. It is concerned with
explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world. Someone who studies metaphysics would be
called either a "metaphysician" or a "metaphysicist."

What is the idea/theory behind SpektrumMEK?
Spektrummek, or Spektrum vs MEK.
Spektrum is all chaos and infinitely changing, visually represented by all colors and creatures.
MEK is all powerful and infinitely rigid, visually represented by lack of color and machines.
The idea behind this work is that something with complete power and control can never completely
overcome something with complete chaos and randomness.
Between Spektrum and MEK there is a period called the calm (1). The calm is the time in which the
battle between Spektrum and MEK is most even creating a peace or calmness that lasts only so long
until one slowly takes over the other and the cycle begins again. The theory purposed in this work is that
our current world, earth, universe, and being, is existing in one of those calms. Eventually a shift towards
the Spektrum or MEK will occur.
1. The calm is actually the biggest battle of all but it happens at such an even division that it appears to
have the illusion of calmness.
The cycle or battle of Spektrum and MEK is infinite and constantly changing.
Spektrum has no power but the existence of the universe is on its side, therefore the all powerful MEK
will never have full control. But because the MEK is all powerful within the universe the spektrum will
never have full chaos either.
The works of SpektrumMEK eventually led to the creation of Lil’ t.

Lil’ t
"Lil' t blah"
 What is Lil’ t?
Lil’ t is the embodiment of the birth stages of an idea. Before an idea is born Lil’ t bounces around your
head constructing it.

"Mr. Topman"

"Bird brain"
What does Lil’ t stand for?
Lil’ t stands for little time, little thought, little tyrannosaur.
Time: because our bodies don’t last long or have much time to make ideas.
Thought: because the very beginning of an idea starts with the tiniest thought.
Tyrannosaur: because the first moments of new thoughts can be like a wild child and chaotic tyranny.

Why is there a spiral on Lil’ t?
The spiral represents the journey of an idea. It can either spiral up or down depending on whether you
give to it or take away from it. The spiral is infinite: Whether you take away and go down or whether you
add more and go up. The fact that the spiral simply exists means that it’s eternal and infinite. The spiral
represents our journey through life. We can choose to add to our lives or take away, that’s it nothing
more. Because nothing more is needed, it’s spectacular and wonderful.

Adding or subtracting what though?
All encompassing acceptance and understanding that’s truthful and whole. This is what I will call love.

More on the spiral:
You can never take away everything because when you take away from the infinite it’s still infinite. You
can never add more because it’s already infinite. By accepting and understanding more or not you don’t
gain or lose anything but the realization of what you’ve had the whole time, love.

What is the orange dot on Lil’ t?
The orange dot is present on Lil’ t when the idea that’s being made is put together by “good” thoughts,
“positive” thoughts, or going up the spiral: Adding.

What is the black circle/white dot on Lil’ t?
The black circle is present on Lil’ t when the idea that’s being made is put together by “bad” thoughts,
“negative” thoughts, or going down the spiral: Subtracting

What if both the orange dot and black circle are on Lil’ t?
This means the idea that’s forming hasn’t decided which way up the spiral it’ll go. This is when Lil’ t can
be influenced the most.

SpektrumMEK: A pataphysical gestation to the birth of Lil’ t  By: Kevin C Ferreira 2010

 More of the artwork:

"String theory"

"Infiniteye turtle bale"
"Ion canyon"

"Bud of life"

Sunday, January 13, 2013


When you strip someone of everything...their body, vision, senses, religion, beliefs, experiences, pains, pleasures, wrongs, rights, evils, and're left with a true core of what they really are. In these pieces I try to get to that core by expelling all those other illusions. By doing this I hope to get to a place where we can see each other's true selves and accept one another unconditionally.

 Title: A drunkard 

 Title: Accept me

Title: Murderer of one

Title: Truth about us

Art print: Shark

                                                                                    Title: Shark 
                                                                                    Medium: Print on fine art paper 
                                                                                    Year: 2012 
                                                                                    Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" 
                                                                                    Edition Size: 1/1

Deep in the depths,
Lurking for cause of life,
Sounds silent...too silent,
Light exposes!
Revelation of vibrant color.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Title: Jump!
Year: 2010
Medium: Print on Canvas
Dimensions: 30"x40"
Edition size: 1/1 
Created for my exhibit SpektrumMEK this piece explores the pataphysical collision of orderly rules vs chaotic lawlessness. It incorporates a new stylized version of my character Beeda Bear© as he veers, splits, and jumps into a world of imaginary imagination. To learn more about this artwork and other pieces read the accompanying material here.